One Life to Live 12/12/1989

Описание к видео One Life to Live 12/12/1989

Megan brings Sarah to see Raymond, but he brushes them off and says not to waste her time on him. Megan bristles at his treatment of Sarah and tells him if he refuses to see Sarah, she’ll leave as well. Raymond’s attitude softens, but he still insists his blindness is temporary and he doesn’t want to waste Sarah’s time or his own. Clint snaps at Julia when she brings him breakfast. He quickly apologizes for being too snippy and says he’s just been thinking about everyone back in Llanview. He thanks her for staying by his side throughout all of this, and she leans in and kisses him. Clint apologizes for the two of them getting a bit too comfortable with each other. He admits he wants to save his marriage and he can’t do it from there. Roger and Viki settle into the Wedgewoods’ home in Pine Valley in anticipation of Ambrose’s visit. They discover the house has old-fashioned radiators but when Viki tries to turn the heat on, she is bathed in steam. Later Viki and Roger sit on the couch in robes, their clothes soaked from the steam. Renee and Asa get turned down by the last adoption agency on their list. He says maybe they should just go back to Lord Love the Children and buy a child. Renee is offended and says it’s totally against what she believes in. Bo arrives with some good news: Clint is coming home and he is going to do everything he can to patch up his marriage. Asa says it’s great news, so long as Roger stays the hell out of Clint’s way.

Renee tells Sarah about her adoption woes. Sarah suggests Renee and Asa host some children from the Center for the Blind for Christmas. Asa reluctantly goes along with the idea, but when Renee runs off to see about the details, Asa yells at Sarah for putting the idea in her head. Prince Raymond asks Megan if he can escort her to the Centennial Ball. As Viki and Roger (in their disguises) sit by the fireplace, the doorbell rings and Viki tells Roger to turn on the tape recorder. Ambrose spins lies about the mother of the child they’re looking to adopt. After seeing their home, Ambrose says he’s satisfied that they would be the ideal parents for the infant, and says he’s ready to start filling out the paperwork. Roger asks if there’s anything else they need to discuss and Ambrose says there’s just the matter of their contribution to Lord Love the Children. Clint stops in to reunite with Asa and Bo, but quickly leaves, saying he’s going to go surprise Viki at the address the nanny gave him. Ambrose tells Roger and Viki the “usual” contribution is $60,000, and Roger asks what happens if they can’t afford the usual amount. Viki and Roger ask if they can discuss the matter privately, and they retire to another room. Ambrose nearly discovers the tape recorder when the doorbell rings. Ambrose answers the door to find Clint outside, and Clint says he’s there to pick up his wife. Viki and Roger return from the den and announce they’ve reached an agreement.


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