Transforming A Suburban Property, 1

Описание к видео Transforming A Suburban Property, 1

This presentation is the first of a seven part series. See below for more info about the series.

The focus of this presentation is a quarter acre suburban property in Eugene, Oregon that has received a 20 years of permaculture transformation. Grass to garden front and back, 6500 gallon rain water system, the driveway is depaved, a patio on the south side of the house is now a 350 sf passive solar space. There is elevated landscaping all over, much of it trellises and arbors, some over rooftops. Thousands of people have visited over the years. The ideal is to reduce eco footprints. Four people live here.

The presentation explains how a single property transformation exists within a much broader context that calls for transformation of our entire society and economic system. This presentation is first in a seven part series - Towards A Healthy Society, Economy and Planet. All the presentations are about paradigm shift/system change. See my website for related content.

Two items of interest

Starts January 21 - Conversations For A Preferred Future - 8 zoom conversations planned, empower youth, suburban agriculture, eco villages, climate change, permaculture lifestyle, a more ambitious agenda for paradigm shift - see schedule -

Already complete - Jan has produced a series of presentations about paradigm shift. Here are short descriptions and links. Presentation #1 has more detail about his property

Here are links to the entire 7 presentation series. All on you tube.

1] Short History of Suburbia And Transforming A Suburban Property
20 years transforming a suburban property, grass to garden, depave, edible landscaping, patio to passive solar, aesthetics
   • Transforming A Suburban Property, 1  

X] Video show and tell of Jan's place,
grass to garden, edible landscape, depave driveway, rain water system, patio to passive solar, garage to living space, accessory structure, aesthetics, 1000s of people have visited
   • Tour of Jan Spencer's Permaculture Pr...  

2] Allies, Assets and Actions In The Community
Recognizing a surprising variety of allies & assets, n’hood programs, faith groups, philosophy, run down apartments
   • Allies, Assets & Actions, 2  

3] One Earth Lifestyle - Implications to Lifestyle, Economy and Culture
What might a sustainable lifestyle, society and economy look like? Prioritize time and money, economics sans money
   • One Earth Lifestyle - Implications to...  

Y] Permaculture Applied To A Suburban Home & Neighborhood
This presentation of particular interest to neighborhood leaders and city planners. Transform suburbia, push back on cars
   • Permaculture Applied To A Suburban Ho...  

4] Critique of Capitalism And The Consumer Culture This presentation deconstructs the myths of capitalism, efficiency, magic hand, the market, advertising, avoidable damage
   • Critique of Capitalism, 4  

5] Pushing Back On Cars Why and How
Driveway depave, community plazas, car free downtowns, Houten, Paris, Barcelona, Freiberg
   • Pushing Back on Cars, 5  

6] Preview Of a Preferred Future
This presentation describes various aspects of a preferred future - lifestyle, economics, civic culture, human potential
   • Preview of A Preferred Future, 6  

7] System Change UV - the new movement that already exists
Imagine millions of individuals, dozens of social movements and thousands of progressive non profits reducing eco footprints and supporting paradigm shift political candidates
   • System Change 7,  Updated  

Video tour of Jan's 1/4 acre suburban property in Eugene
Grass to garden, depave, rain water system, patio to passive solar, garage to living space, edible landscaping, increase residential density, aesthetics, educational resource
   • Tour of Jan Spencer's Permaculture Pr...  

You can find more videos, link to podcasts and essays relating to paradigm shift at


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