
Описание к видео Garbage

In the alleyways of twilight, where the shadows tend to grow
Lies the refuse of a world that's lost its glow
Broken toys and shattered dreams, cast aside without a care
The remnants of our lives, just lying there

Oh, we build our towers high
Reaching for the sky
But what we leave behind
Tells the real story of our time

Garbage, in the streets where children play
Garbage, the price we choose to pay
For every single choice we make
There's garbage in our wake

Politicians promise change with every breath they take
But their words are just as disposable as the promises they make
We march for peace and love, but leave a trail of trash
A world consumed by greed, in a never-ending clash

From the plastic seas to skies
Choked with smog and lies
Our legacy, a toxic heap
As our mother earth weeps

Garbage, a testament to our greed
Garbage, the future we don't heed
In this landfill of despair
Do we even truly care?

Can we recycle hope, from the waste we've sown?
Or are we destined to live, in a world that we've outgrown?
Each discarded life, each forgotten soul
Is garbage to the system, with no place to call home

The homeless man sorts through, what we've thrown away
Finding treasures in the trash, to get through another day
We're all part of this cycle, of consumption and decay
But perhaps it's not too late, to change our ways

Garbage, no longer just ignored
Garbage, the call we can't afford
To ignore, for in this mess we've made
There's a chance to change, not to fade

Oh, let's reduce, reuse, reclaim
From this garbage, fan the flame
Of a world where worth is more than gain
Where we clean up our act, break this chain

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