RT News Anchor Quits Live on Air

Описание к видео RT News Anchor Quits Live on Air

An American anchor working for state-owned television station Russia Today quit on air on Wednesday. Wahl said she faces several 'ethical and moral challenges' as a reporter for the Russian-funded TV network. 'I'm proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth, and that is why, after this newscast, I'm resigning," she said. Liz Wahl, who was a Washington, D.C. correspondent for the state-owned television station, quit live on-air Wednesday because she does not agree with the network's backing of Russian President Vladimir Putin's military intervention in Ukraine's Crimea region.The self-described "Filipina-Hungarian-American" said she faces several "ethical and moral challenges" as a reporter for the network.
Wahl described herself as the daughter of a veteran who grew up in the United States. Her partner, she said, is a military-base physician "where he sees every day first hand accounts of the ultimate prices people pay for this country."
"And that is why personally, I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin," she said as she went off-script on live TV. "I'm proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth, and that is why, after this newscast, I'm resigning."
During her minute-long statement, Wahl also mentioned the "international headlines" that Abby Martin, a host of the show, made Tuesday night when she said "Russian intervention in the Crimea is wrong."
Wahl tweeted about "my girl" Abby Martin for going "spectacularly off-message in Ukraine broadcast."
She also wrote about her grandparents who fled Hungary during revolution of 1956.
RT released a statement later Wednesday, writing that Wahl made "a big show of a personal decision" as part of "a self-promotional stunt."
"We wish Liz the best of luck on her chosen path," the network wrote.
Wahl described the TV stations inner workings during a segment with Anderson Cooper on CNN later Wednesday.
"RT is not about the truth," Wahl said. "It's about promoting a Putinist agenda. It's also about bashing America."


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