Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution - Sarah Bryant Movelist

Описание к видео Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution - Sarah Bryant Movelist

Differences from vanilla VF4:

To start off, they reanimated Sarah's stance animation in Evolution.

-There are more somersault combos in Evolution.
-Combo Rising Kick replaced with a somersault combo move in Evolution.
-Adds Combo Scarecrow.
-Elbow Side Chop has a slightly different input.
-Adds Double Step Knee
-Mirage Kick has a slightly different input
-Illusion Jackknife and Illusion Lowkick got removed
-Dragon Smash Cannon input is different
-Double Low Kick got removed
-Toe Kick and Toe Kick Jackknife got replaced with Serpent Toe Kick and Serpent Smash Cannon which have the same inputs but new animations.
-Adds Breeze Shot
-Adds Wind Knuckle
-Adds Storm Combination/~Cancel
-K+G goes into Flamingo stance.
-Side Hook Kick got replaced with Valkyrie Low in Evolution.
-Adds Valkyrie Sword.
-Spin Edge Kick was removed.
-Spin Heel Sword replaces Stepping Round Kick.
-Only the wall variation of Lightning Knee Smash was kept in Evolution and the regular Lightning Knee Smash was replaced with Mermaid Phalanx in Evolution.
-Adds Sweet Pain.


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