They planned to destroy ORUNMILA but it turned out to be blessing. (Odu IFA Ògúndá Oturupon)

Описание к видео They planned to destroy ORUNMILA but it turned out to be blessing. (Odu IFA Ògúndá Oturupon)

The land Orunmila lived were all against him. They envied him so much saying is he the only one the creator knew. Why is it always Jim in everything. His fsne grew farther than even the king and chiefs. They plot to stop him from.his dominance. If care is not taken they wiill not be able to make laws again. They conspired to send him on an errand of no return.

I want us to know,not all errands must accepted. You would be sent to kill and execute evil errands is not humane. Those who sent you will be in their comfort zone while you endsngered your own life. In a nutshell,they conspired to send himon an errand.

Orunmila had a dream he was told some people are coming to send him on an errand but he must not reject it. He should make propitiations. He was told to have a net, a baton and a he goat.

Anyone this corpus is revealed to is fighting a battle and he should make sacrifices so the battle won't take him away. Ifa said the person is in the midst of enemies. People close to him soyght to eliminate him except propitiation. Ifa told Orunmila to make propitiation which he did. They came to him, unknown to them that Orunmila had make atonement. Thry said they hearrd there is nothing Orunmila canmit do. Orunmila said yes. They said they want him to go kill a Tiger in a forest and they had prepared a baton. Once you hit the Tiger with it,it will die instantly

Orunmila who has make propitiations said no problem he will go. Unknown to Orunmila,the baton they gave him had not strength. Moth had eating it. A baton that cannot even kill a cockroach. They also gave him a net,a net that was totally bad. They do not know Orunmila had make propitiation. He went into the forest truly

Orunmila had make propitiation to Esu and his creator Anyone who is birthed by this corpus must use a he goat,a net,a baton and fowl then will he be freed and victorious. Then will be successful in All his endeavors says by Ifa

After Orunmila got there he knew this firest is an evil forest. A forest of no return. He wondered what could be his offense that could warrant them send him to such forest. Ifa rest him assured nothing will happen to him. He had made propitiation.

Not long,the tiger approached truly. He was a bit scared. He thought these people were actually hooking so it was true. The tiger approached, Orunmila ran away. He went to hide on a tree. Esu appeared and make jest of his cowardice. You are my friend since you atoned me

Esu said he would help him capture the tiger. Esu reminded him of the net he was said to use for propitiation back then that it was for this purpose. No matter how strong the tiger is,a net will capture it easily. Esu told him to watch. Esu raised his small gourde , Orunmila small net for propitiation was made bigger. Esu spread it in the air in four corners. As the tiger approached angrily he fell into the net. Esu told Orunmila to watch. The more the tiger struggled the more the net waxed around him and he would be powerless

Ifa made us know,no matter the power of a tiger, ordinary net can capture it. Ifa taught us that ordinary net captures a tiger. Orunmila was happy,he moved close to the tiger purposely to hit the Tiger with the baton he was given at home but he realized the baton was nothing that can even harm a rat. He was amazed. He knew his people actually planned to have him killed in the forest

Ifa said anyone this corpus is revealed to is surrounded by enemies who never wish him well but must perform divination and make propitiations. Such person should let snail be part of what to use for propitiations so things might be easy for him says by Ifa corpus Ogunda Baturupon

Orunmila took the Life Tiger back to home still in the net. He took the tiger to the palace and threatened to let the tiger lose. They were scared. The king begged him not to but he said what if he had died in the forest. Well, I will not let it loose for certain amount. The king gave him money,properties and horses. He took the tiger away from there to the chirfs' house one by one. Now he has arrived from the forest and now he has the tiger he will let it loose. They all begged him. They have him everything he wanted. Orunmila who was poor . All what he does for the people were free but now he got his compensation from God. He became so wealthy.

They planned to destroy him but it turned out to be blessing. This IFA teaches the evil you plotted for your fellow human might be your own grave. God told us not to olsn evil for others. They caused havoc for themselves. Orunmila's fame and popularity increased than ever and his wealth. He got wealthy by his enemies. That was how he became victorious over his enemies

. So his enemies can pushed him into his wealth. They made Orunmila wealth. They gave him money and ever other basic necessities. They wanted him go at all cost. They do not want to acknowledge his leadership but they had not choice there after

Ifa shamed them. They were embarrassed by ifa.


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