Impact protection of TFT panels - IK rate explanation - LCD displays impact protection

Описание к видео Impact protection of TFT panels - IK rate explanation - LCD displays impact protection

Impact protection of TFT panels - IK rate explanation - LCD displays impact protection

Please refer to Riverdi blog article:

'...Now let us talk about hardness of glass in TFT LCD displays. Of course, to talk about hardness we need to measure it. For that we have the Mohs scale where we have 11 different levels of hardness. Like you see on the picture above, the 10th is diamond and the 1st is talk. What we normally use is glass with hardness between 5 and 7. In some cases we also use Gorilla glass with hardness 9. It is used on our phones or tablets. As you can see, we can achieve hardness 7 with chemically strengthened glass and usually 6 with thermally strengthened glass. Gorilla glass is also chemically strengthened glass, patented by the Corning company and it is the strongest that we can achieve in the cover glass to protect the screen....'

Impact protection of TFT panels - IK rate explanation - LCD displays impact protection

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Riverdi University is a series lectures made by Riverdi - The Display Manufacturer with our experts covering different topics mainly about displays and touches. From technologies up to manufacturing, case studies, best sales and project management practices and many others.
It was originally planned to be only for our employees, however, in Riverdi we love to share knowledge so we will make some of the lectures available to the public.

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Impact protection of TFT panels - IK rate explanation - LCD displays impact protection


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