Why don't people know when they have a Personality Disorder? | Egosyntonic vs Egodystonic

Описание к видео Why don't people know when they have a Personality Disorder? | Egosyntonic vs Egodystonic

This video attempts to answer the question: Why does somebody with a personality disorder not seem to be aware they have a personality disorder? To get started with this question, it’s first important understand that some people who have personality disorders understand that they have a disorder. Others don't seem to have much awareness. Most people who have personality disorders have some awareness, but some areas with reduced awareness.

I'm going to start with a couple terms that I've used before other videos: ego-syntonic and ego-dystonic, and these terms come from the psychoanalytic school of thought. Ego-syntonic really means that somebody's emotions, behavior, cognitions are consistent with their values, beliefs, and their ideal self-image. Ego-dystonic means that their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are inconsistent or unacceptable as compared to their values and beliefs.

Miller, J. D., Sleep, C. E., Lamkin, J., Vize, C., Campbell, W. K., & Lynam, D. R. (2018). Personality disorder traits: Perceptions of likability, impairment, and ability to change as correlates and moderators of desired level. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(5), 478–483.

Miller JD, Jones SE, & Lynam DR. (2011). Psychopathic traits from the perspective of self and informant reports: Is there evidence for a lack of insight? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120(3), 758–764


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