"My Elbows Hurt When I Bench"

Описание к видео "My Elbows Hurt When I Bench"

www.themuscledoc.com MY ELBOWS HURT WHEN I BENCH
Elbow pain when benching is a multifactorial monster to tackle, and can really be a detriment to all your big lifts. Squat , bench and dead all require your elbows to play nice.
Now there are a lot of approaches to preventing, managing or mitigating this issue. Stabilizing the shoulder, assessing range of motion, altering technique etc.
HOWEVER- there might not be a need to overcomplicate things, sometimes the answer to fixing your elbows- might just be TRAINING YOUR ELBOWS.
A Novel concept, I know…
Consider the bones that make up the elbow when benching and impose a similar relative demand. The elbow hinge is a union of the ulna which will indicate rotation of the shoulder, and distal to that the wrist position is partially an expression from the radius on the ulna- so at the most taxed position of the bench press (bar on the chest) The shoulder is the most EXTERNALLY ROTATED but the wrist is PRONATED- this is a b it of an unnatural movement. (external rotation expresses as supination of the wrist). But your options are to either a) compete in a dumbbell pressing competition or B) Strengthen the movement of external rotation of the shoulder-Flexion of the elbow and pronation of the wrist.
The reverse curl imposes a very similar demand at the elbow and allows us to building resiliency at a joint under lighter load in an attempt to strengthen the joint in the inevitable motor pattern of the bench press.
Tag a friend and give it a shot!


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