Saturday night DXing in South Africa: Some less common SW catches

Описание к видео Saturday night DXing in South Africa: Some less common SW catches

I think at every DXing location in the world there are some signals that you just always hear. Here in Johannesburg, South Africa, for me that would be almost all signals from Madagascar, a very strong VOA signal from Botswana, Radio France International and the BBC, of course CRI and CNR1, NHK Japan and various others.

Some signals I hear less often, and some very rarely. Last night was quite a good DXing night here, so this video contains some of the signals I hear less often. None are completely new catches (except the Radio Taiwan one in Russian), but they are signals that I don't catch every day.

The signals you can hear are Radio Romania International in Ukrainian and Radio Taiwan International in Russian (both relatively rare at my location); KCBS Pyongyang and Radio Romania in Romanian (two signals that I hear a bit more often), and The Overcomer Ministry from Sofia in Bulgaria. I hear the Sofia signal often, but always extremely weakly, this time it is very clear. It is from a 50 kW transmitter in Sofia, beamed directly to the east.

These signals are all beamed away from me, from locations in the northern hemisphere to northern targets. No matter where you are in the world, there will be some signals at your location that are always hard to catch, it will differ from place to place. But, sometimes, you will be lucky.

This is just a short video of these signals, all captured in one short session on Saturday 1 June 2024. All on the Qodosen SR-286 with a 10 metre long wire. They are all quite intelligible, except Radio Taiwan International in Russian, where you can just about hear some music and some talking. In my video I say that the Radio Taiwan signal comes from Taiwan, but that is incorrect. The station is Radio Taiwan, but the signal is actually from Kostinbrod (Sofia), Bulgaria.

00:00 Irregular signals at my location.
00:41 Radio Romania in Ukrainian 5910 kHz with ID and jingle
02:20 Radio Taiwan International in Russian 5900 kHz (from Sofia, not Taiwan, very weak)
03:17 KCBS Pyongyang 11680 kHz
03:52 Radio Romania International in Romanian 11975 kHz
04:41 The Overcomer Ministry 9400 kHz


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