Webinar | Drone bathymetry & data processing for single and dual-frequency echo-sounders

Описание к видео Webinar | Drone bathymetry & data processing for single and dual-frequency echo-sounders

Introduced by SPH Engineering in spring 2020, 'UAV+echo sounder' integration has become in high demand for mapping, measuring, and inspecting tasks as well as environmental monitoring of in-land and coastal waters.

A UAV drone equipped with a single or dual echo sounder allows to collect data with high accuracy faster due to easy transportation and fast deployment and it is 2 times more cost-efficient compared to the traditional methods. It has the ability to operate at hard to reach locations, unsafe or hazardous environment. Locations not reachable by foot or dangerous for a human (steep coasts, mining pits, contaminated waters, terrain obstacles, etc.) as well as waters of ponds, lakes, and canals can be reached by a drone.

What you will learn:

- Overview (system components, application workflow)
- Data processing of single and dual-frequency echo sounders in Hydromagic - demo using samples from real surveys.

Discover https://integrated.ugcs.com/bathymetry

SPH Engineering (https://sph-engineering.com) is a multiproduct drone software company and UAV integration services provider. Founded in 2013 in Latvia (EU) as a UAV mission planning and flight control start-up, the company has evolved from a developer of a single flagship product - UgCS, to a market leader of multiple drone solutions. Today, the company boasts a rich global customer, reseller and educational partner network in 150+ countries, while over 45% of partners are located in North America. To provide high-quality solutions for UAV professionals, SPH Engineering's team advances four key product lines:

- UgCS - mission planning and flight control software,
- UgCS Integrated Systems - airborne integrated systems with sensors from diverse manufacturers,
- Drone Show Software - only commercially available software to manage drone swarm flights and
- ATLAS - AI platform to process and analyze geospatial data.


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