Pax Dei Discovery of First Beehives on the Western Shore 2024-06-30 16-01

Описание к видео Pax Dei Discovery of First Beehives on the Western Shore 2024-06-30 16-01

In this session of Pax Dei, I return to the western shore in search of new types of wood and forest goods. During my exploration, I unexpectedly discover a beehive, which brings hope for creating better lighting in my home. Before heading back, I embark on a hunt, but my impatience and lack of accuracy lead to underestimating two boars, resulting in my defeat. After retrieving my equipment, I complete the hunt and return home, where I place the beehives. Join me as I navigate the challenges and rewards of resource gathering and hunting in the immersive world of Pax Dei.


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