How air drumming will free you to play FASTER

Описание к видео How air drumming will free you to play FASTER

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No joke, the most critical component of your grip can be built & refined simply by air drumming.

If you’ve dealt with slow or stiff hands, inability to play smoothly & feel relaxed on the drums, and everything your hands do just feels forced, difficult, and un-musical…

…Then today’s lesson is for you!

Without finding & fine-tuning your fulcrum (the hinge point in your grip), you’ll forever struggle to play well on the drums - Not to mention you may deal with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, or even pain.

Good news today is that you can actually solve this and even perfect your grip with one drumstick, no kit or practice pad needed. I’ll teach you how. YOU CAN DO THIS!

I believe that ANYONE can learn the drums, and I believe you’re far more capable of becoming a great drummer than you think you are. Don’t sell yourself short! SUBSCRIBE for more Non Glamorous videos that get straight to the point of solving drumming frustration. Stay Non Glamorous, Everyone!

Check out for more content, including free e-guides designed to fast-track your drumming progress!


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