Pilates for Glutes and Hips (45 Mins) - Mini Band Pilates Mini Flows Workout

Описание к видео Pilates for Glutes and Hips (45 Mins) - Mini Band Pilates Mini Flows Workout

In this Pilates Mini Flows workout, we'll focus on the glutes and hips using a mini band.

—Resistance band loop - I'm using the heavy weight for the first two flows and the lightest band from my set for the final one http://amzn.to/2r952Ai
—Chair/stool/wall/counter - something to place your hands on for balance

In this class, we start with a quick warm up. It will focus mostly on mobility, especially through the hips. We then move onto our mini flows workout with the resistance band. The best way to describe this structure is to picture a Pilates mat class. We essentially take a small sequence out of that class, add in a resistance band, and turn it into a circuit.

Each of the three mini flows is a short sequence (1:45 - 2:30 minutes long). You'll do it twice on the right then twice on the left. You rest for 15 seconds in between completed sequences and 30 seconds between sides. We'll start on the mat and finish standing.

Between each of the different flows, you get about a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

01:21 Warm Up & Mobility

08:40 Resistance Band Mini Flows Workout
Flow 1 - Side Series
—(30 sec) Leg lifts
—(30) Bend Stretch
—(30) Internal to External Rotation
—(30) Internal to External Rotation + Leg Extention
—(30) Externally rotated leg lifts

Flow 2 - Glute Bridge Series
—(30 sec) Glute Bridge Swivel Lifts
—(30) Swivel pulses
—(15) Extend leg straight and hold
—(30) Externally rotated bend and extend hovering leg

Flow 3 - Standing Series
—(45 sec) SL Hip hinge to press
—(30) Hold leg back and straight leg pulse
—(30) Bodyweight - Hydrant to press, externally rotated
—(30) Pulse standing leg in hinge
—(15) Remove hands from stool and balance

42:16 Cool Down & Stretch

#pilatesathome #lowerbodypilates


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