Apples to apples

Описание к видео Apples to apples

The idiom "apples to apples" is commonly used to compare two things that are similar or comparable in nature. It is often used to emphasize the importance of comparing things that are alike, rather than comparing things that are different.
The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the phrase "comparing apples to oranges," which implies comparing two things that are completely different and cannot be compared objectively. In contrast, "apples to apples" suggests comparing things that are similar or share common characteristics.
Here are a few examples to help illustrate the usage of this idiom:
1. "When evaluating job candidates, it's essential to compare apples to apples. Look at their qualifications, skills, and experience, rather than making judgments based on personal biases."
In this example, the idiom is used to emphasize the importance of comparing candidates based on relevant criteria, such as qualifications and skills, rather than unrelated factors like appearance or personal preferences.
2. "To accurately assess the performance of two investment options, you need to compare apples to apples. Consider factors like risk, return, and time horizon."
Here, the idiom is used in the context of comparing investment options. It suggests that to make a fair and informed decision, it is crucial to consider similar aspects of both options, such as risk levels, potential returns, and the time period for investment.
3. "In a debate, it's crucial to compare arguments apples to apples. Focus on the validity of the points made, rather than getting distracted by unrelated issues."
This example highlights the importance of a fair comparison in a debate. It suggests that it is essential to assess the strength of arguments based on their validity and relevance, rather than getting sidetracked by unrelated matters.
In summary, the idiom "apples to apples" is used to emphasize the importance of comparing similar or comparable things. It encourages objective and fair assessments by focusing on relevant factors and avoiding comparisons that are unrelated or unfair.


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