龍鼓灘 -珠江口的香港客家村 Lung Kwu Tan: the Hakka village facing the Pearl River

Описание к видео 龍鼓灘 -珠江口的香港客家村 Lung Kwu Tan: the Hakka village facing the Pearl River

#客家 #客家風俗習慣 #香港客家村 #客家大學堂 #龍鼓灘 #hakkastudies #tripsinhongkong #hakka #hakkatraditons #hongkonghakkavillages #lungkwutan #香港原居民 #hongkongindigenousinhabitants

Lung Kwu Tan is the westernmost Hakka village in the New Territories. It faces the Pearl River and is quite populous. It is the home village of the late president of the NT Heung Yee Kuk, Mr. Lau Wong Fat. This episode gives a detail description of the village.


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