silk road - teaser (FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA)

Описание к видео silk road - teaser (FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA)

silk road / 祈りの道


本堂を支えるという役目を終えた木材たちには、あまたの人々の祈りが込められてきました。それを何かのかたちで残し、伝えていけないだろうか、これが本プロジェクトのはじまりです。 音楽家であり、調律師でもあるクラヴィコード製作者の内田輝氏と出会い、音楽と宗教との親和性、 14世紀に発明されたクラヴィコードという西洋の木製鍵盤楽器の物語を知りました。



内田輝氏が清水寺の本堂舞台板からクラヴィコードを製作し、演奏するプロジェクトを「silk road(祈りの道)」と題し、世の平安を祈り、奉納します。



The Great Renovation of the Kiyomizu-dera Temple that began in 2008 was completed in December 2020. The process included the rethatching work of the Main Hall’s hinoki bark roof and the replacement of the stage’s floorboards. Now, the temple buildings, as the holy grounds of Kannon, have been fully restored to their former splendor.

The renovation resulted in a pile of aging pillars that had long underpinned the stage and witnessed countless people pray. We at Kiyomizu-dera Temple have had a fervent desire to preserve this precious wood in some shape or form and hand it down to the next generation. Such passion propelled us to conceive the idea of this project.

Having met Akira Uchida, a musician and a tuner as well as a clavichord maker, we discovered the affinity of music and religion, as well as hearing many anecdotes about the clavichord. The clavichord is a small wooden piano-like keyboard instrument, invented in the 14th century in Europe. It is said this instrument is designed to produce such soft sounds that it evokes the silence of nature. The sounds of this tiny keyboard have continuously soothed people and led them to a profound state of spirituality. One old account writes that the music of the heavens can be heard as the clavichord sounds soften.

The imaginings inspired by the invisible, intangible sound will no doubt lead the ever-changing world -- both East and West -- to an even finer embodiment of prayers, reflecting philosophy and religious beliefs.

Akira Uchida will craft a clavichord from the used floorboards once forming the Kiyomizu-dera Temple’s Main Hall stage and with it will perform. With this project, titled “silk road – a path of prayers,” we will pray for world peace and offer a clavichord performance.



■exhibition「silk road - 祈りの道」

クラヴィコードの完成とプロジェクトの報告を兼ね、2021年8月9日(月)から8月16日(月)までの期間、清水寺・経堂にて「silk road - 祈りの道」展を開催いたします。

- 会期

- 開場時間

- 会場

- 入場料


■Exhibition: silk road - a path of prayers
To unveil the completed clavichord and present the journey of this project, the exhibition, called “silk road - a path of prayers,” will be held from August 9 (Monday) to 16 (Monday) at Kiyomizu-dera Temple’s Kyodo Hall.

- Duration:
August 9 (Mon) – 16 (Mon), 2021

- Hours:
August 9 (Mon) – 13 (Fri): 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
August 14 (Sat) – 16 (Mon): 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

- Venue:
Kyodo Hall, Kiyomizu-dera Temple

- Admission:
free of charge


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