【自閉症訓練】Kimi治療第11個月的進度回顧 Early Intervention of ASD

Описание к видео 【自閉症訓練】Kimi治療第11個月的進度回顧 Early Intervention of ASD

Kimi 已在AP訓練了11個月了!一月剛開始進行訓練時的Kimi仍不會用語言表達,但現在Kimi 已經有非常顯著的進步了!AP治療顧問設計了多個課程,重點訓練Kimi 的語言表達能力及社交技巧。他現在能運用更長的句子結構,在常識及理解能力方面亦大大改善了,能與我們更流暢地溝通。大家來認識一下這些課程及看看Kimi 的表現如何吧!

▶️Kimi媽媽分享-自閉兒媽媽不易做:    • 自閉兒媽媽不易做 (上) Not Easy to Be a Mother ...  
▶️Kimi的AP之旅最終章:    • A Work in Progress: Last Update on Ki...  

如希望了解AP 個人化的 #一對一ABA訓練,歡迎透過以下渠道跟我們聯絡😉
電話📞+852 2526 3812
電郵📨 [email protected]

網站: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk/zh/
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk

Kimi has been receiving training in AP for 11 months! When we first met Kimi, he was not able to use language to express his thought, but now Kimi has made a remarkable improvement! AP has designed various programs to focus on Kimi's expressive use of language and social skills. He's now able to use more complex language. Kimi's general knowledge and comprehension skills are also greatly improved, he can now respond more fluently! Take a look at these programs and see how Kimi's doing!

▶️Not Easy to Be a Mother of a ASD child:    • 自閉兒媽媽不易做 (上) Not Easy to Be a Mother ...  
▶️The last episode of Kimi's progress in AP:    • A Work in Progress: Last Update on Ki...  

If you are interested on our 1on1 ABA therapy, please feel free to contact us:
Tel.📞+852 2526 3812
Email 📨 [email protected]

Stay tuned with us!
Website: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk

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