Cum sa prajesti corect pestele !

Описание к видео Cum sa prajesti corect pestele !

Pestele prajit prin aceasta metoda nu pierde multe proteine.Uneori cand gatim pestele sau carnea se intampla sa iasa o "albeata". Este vorba de proteine.Cand temperatura de gatire sau timpul de gatire este prea mare se intampla sa pierdem acele proteine.

In cazul de fata am avut o bucata de peste mai subtire dar si daca pestele este mai gros se poate gati in aceeasi metoda doar ca evident ii trebuie un timp mai indelungat si o atentie marita.

Fish fried through this method does not lose many proteins. Sometimes when we cook fish or meat, a "white" foam happens. It's protein. When the cooking temperature or the cooking time is too high, we lose those proteins.

In this case, we had a thinner fish, but if the fish is thicker, you can cook the same method just as obviously it needs a longer time and increased attention.


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