Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism - Final Stage (New Commentary Version)

Описание к видео Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism - Final Stage (New Commentary Version)

The Tempestuous Second Sun
~The Deepest Part of the Underground City~

There is absolutely no challenge to this stage. Par for the course for a final stage I know but this is bad. Have you figured out how to stream bullets? Yes? Then you've beaten this stage.

Rin similarly doesn't put up much of a fight as a mid-boss. Honestly the distracting flashiness of her spell was more dangerous than the attack itself. Which honestly isn't saying much.

Now Utsuho herself on the other hand is where the difficulty lies. As you might expect from our resident nuke chick her attacks are all incredibly overwhelming. However the most deadly part of her attacks isn't the large shots so much as the smaller ones they hide. Pay close attention to the attacks and watch out for what you truly need to avoid in this battle.

Difficulty - Normal
Character - Marisa-Alice
Stage 6 - The Deepest Part of the Underground City
BGM - Hellfire Mantle
Mid-boss - Hell's Traffic Accident: Rin Kaenbyou
Boss - Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame: Utsuho Reiuji
BGM - Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion

Spell Cards

1:02 - Youkai "Blazing Wheel"

4:20 - Cool Down
4:36 - Atomic Fire "Nuclear Fusion"
5:22 - Cool Down
5:50 - Explosion Sign "Mega Flare"
6:31 - Cool Down
6:47 - Blazing Star "Fixed Star"
7:17 - Cool Down
7:44 - "Hell and Heaven Meltdown"
8:26 - "Hell's Artificial Sun"

Translation's courtesy of the Touhou wiki


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