Spine Flexibility Routine

Описание к видео Spine Flexibility Routine

Spine flexibility is controversial

One crowd says to only train your spine in neutral positions, and another says to train
the spine in all capable pain free motions

Having exclusively practiced both sides for years at a time, I’ve personally benefited
from training the spine in all capable pain free motions. But I don’t want you to take my word for it. Simply go with what makes the most sense to you

You ARE stronger with a neutral spine. In most people, a neutral spine creates a
stronger brace and can result in a stronger position. I think it’s smart to train with a
neutral spine and to reap many central nervous system benefits from movements like heavier squats or Romanian deadlifts. While this video doesn’t showcase training with a neutral spine, I still believe everyone should be

However, during the majority of life and sport, your spine is not neutral. Think about sitting, picking something off the ground, or throwing. I believe there are benefits to being strong with both a neutral, and not neutral spine – especially when it comes to injury resilience.

Using only your own bodyweight, this routine can help introduce the spine to non-neutral ranges of motion:

1. QL Extension Planks – Start with 30-60 second holds. If comfortable, add movement for 10 reps

2. Wall Pullover – 60 second holds

3. Cat Cow – Alternate for 60 seconds

4. Back Bridge – 30 Second holds. If you cannot back bridge, consider stretching
your upper back on an exercise ball, or bench instead

5. Plow Pose – 60 second holds
3 sets for each movement is suffice

Thank you to @muscleandmotion for letting me use their graphic of the layers of the core’s anatomy from their app


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