How to Touch the Fascia in Tai Chi (Push Hands Secret)

Описание к видео How to Touch the Fascia in Tai Chi (Push Hands Secret)

How do you know that you have touched the fascia in your Tai Chi push hands partner or in your Tai Chi two-person practice? watch this short tutorial to be able to access and connect to your own fascia and know how to connect to another person's fascia successfully. then you can move them with ease. enhance your Tai Chi, utilize this Tai Chi secret through connecting through the fascia.

This strategy of connecting to your own fascia and moving your body through that connection is a teaching strategy of Shifu Lin of Phoenix Mountain Tai Chi. I think as we go along our journey and learn things, it is important to give credit to those who have imparted specific learning tools. I'm grateful to Shifu Lin for his teaching of the simple yet effective strategy for feeling your own fascia.


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