Dark Ages | PvZ2 OST

Описание к видео Dark Ages | PvZ2 OST

Well, here we are! Yet another installment to this ever grown mass of music. The Dark Ages. Tbh, they couldn't have nailed the tone any better than this. Making the Kazoo the main instrument of this world couldn't have been a better fit. Nothing else much to say on this though. It's pretty neat but definitely not like, my all time favorite of the game's music. I'm actually quite sick of it honestly... It's ALL they play in the Arena mode in the game and I began to hate it.

Though I will say, to me, this is the PERFECT September music because I always loved playing this song whenever I went to "Medieval Times" for my birthday. It's a legit good dinner/show place to see someone get fucking killed while you eat the horn of a dragon. (It's just Apple Pie) So yeah, this music is definitely ingrained there for me.

Either way, enjoy!


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