Far Future | PvZ2 OST

Описание к видео Far Future | PvZ2 OST

I was HONESTLY going to go into this one too with nothing much to say, but man I sleep on Far Future too much. It actually becomes more bangin’ the farther you get into it. Like holy smokes this is cool as hell sounding! It actually become less “plucky and do do do just going on about my day” and transitions to “Cha cha cha!” until going full “THEY’RE COMING, GET YER GUNS.” Like it’s such a cheesy 80s movie or something trying be like “TERROR FROM TOMORROW.” which there coincidently happens to be an endless zone named that so hey, maybe I nailed on the head! The first half of the far future songs always kinda were eh to me, but when they get goin’, MAN THEY GET GOIN’.

Too bad you can’t hear it actually in game...
It has a LOT to do with the actual leveling system the game has now. They screw over the zombies almost instantly and the next flag comes in way too fast for the song to even breathe and get a chance to shine.

The final flag is a TOTAL BOP AT THE SECOND HALF! MY GOD. That whirring synth goes all out with 0 fucking chill on god’s green earth.

Enjoy the Roy for he a boy, and I loy...

Of the future!


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