Small-Scale PPPs Session Discussion #1: What Are Small-Scale PPPs?

Описание к видео Small-Scale PPPs Session Discussion #1: What Are Small-Scale PPPs?

It has become increasingly clear that the current approach to public-private partnerships (PPPs) (which results in few large projects done by national authorities) will have limited impact on achieving the SDGs. To make substantive headway, it is imperative that Small Scale PPP projects be delivered efficiently and at scale at every sub-national level.

In 2024, WAPPP launched a year-long program aimed at defining how that can be done.

This first session took up the question of what constitutes a Small-Scale PPP project. This is a nuanced area, as the classification can depend on various factors. Is a small-scale PPP determined solely by the size of the project investment, or are there other criteria? Among others, the panel examined whether any PPP project undertaken by sub-national or local governments automatically falls into this category, regardless of its investment scale or is it defined depending on the time required in the preparation.

This discussion was pivotal in understanding how small-scale PPPs are conceptualized, planned, and executed. The discussants participating in the discussion set the stage for the rest of the program sessions.

#SmallscalePPPs #PPP #publicprivatepartnerships #infrastructureinvestment

PPP practitioners interested in this important topic are encouraged to watch out for specific discussion session announcements, starting with this first session, that was held on Friday, January 19th.

Visit and follow the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals on LinkedIn to stay updated on upcoming announcements.


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