Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Others Story Mode 2 - Eliminate Dong Zhuo (Ultimate)

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Others Story Mode 2 - Eliminate Dong Zhuo (Ultimate)

This stage stars Diaochan and shows how she assassinates Dong Zhuo, before this gets retconned in XL when Lu Bu's story came out. So it's sort of like an alternate version of Lu Bu's first Chang'an stage. Siege weapons try to stop you at every corner, but once you recruit Lu Bu to your side he destroys them all by just yelling at them. Because he can literally attack by yelling.

Diaochan is okay to play as, her attacks are a bit weak though. Her musous hit a lot so those are pretty reliable. She doesn't really stand out, outfit aside.


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