One Life to Live 2/25/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 2/25/1991

[First 2 minutes pre-empted by Iraq War news]

Megan tells Hunter she had a good conversation with Bo at the cemetery, and he asks if she’s reached a decision about coming with him to L.A. She says she’s leaning towards going, but hasn’t decided yet. Megan says she needs to go see Niki Smith and maybe that will help clarify her feelings and obligations. Bo tells Alex he’s been thinking a lot about their kiss. He says talking to Megan (and Sarah) helped clarify some things. He asks whether Alex might like to spend more quality time with him. DuAnn pays a visit to Gabrielle, and Gabrielle has to think on her feet to explain the unexpected guest to Max. She quickly rushes Max out the door with Al and then angrily asks DuAnn what more she wants from her.

[Episode interrupted for more breaking news. ~ 5 minutes missing.]

Clint tells Megan there’s nothing she can do to help Viki right now, so she should do what will make her happy where Hunter is concerned. Jake stops by Llanfair and Clint makes an excuse, saying Jake is freelancing as an investigator for him at the Banner. Megan says she’s glad Jake stopped by. She tells him she might be moving to Los Angeles with Hunter. Jake says he doesn’t think she should go, and Megan asks him for one good reason she shouldn’t. Jake suggested her family needs her and the viewers of Fraternity Row would miss her. Megan doesn’t see those as good enough reasons, but she also says she’s not angry at him anymore. She says she hopes they can be friends. Bo screws up (somehow? Whatever he did or said was cut out by the news break), and it is clear to Alex that he isn’t over Sarah. Alex says there are no hard feelings, and she’s sure he will be able to move on eventually. After he leaves, though, it’s clear she was putting on a good front. In the hallway outside Alex’s apartment, Bo puts his wedding ring back on. Gabrielle asks Julia to borrow money. Julia says she’s already given Gabrielle her life savings; she has nothing else to give. Jake runs into Bo at Andy’s Place and they commiserate on their failed attempts at love. Jake says there’s no way he’s going to let Megan get on that plane with Hunter. Megan tells Hunter she’s decided to go to L.A. with Hunterfor a bit. She says nothing is keeping her in Llanview. Gabrielle runs to Carlo looking for more money. But he says she’ll get more money when he has more work for her to do. She offers to keep trying to get close to Niki Smith, but Carlo says he’s as close to her now as he needs to be, and he says he will soon have his revenge.


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