Heaviest Manchu Bow for Archery Exams

Описание к видео Heaviest Manchu Bow for Archery Exams

Based on this 1896 source about Qing Dynasty Imperial Archery Examinations: "The gymnastic exercises were a test of physical strength of the candidates. One of these tests was carried out with special bows known as 'numbered bows'. These bows were extraordinarily large and heavy. Their standard sizes — No. 1, No. 2 and No . 3 — were 12, 10 and 8 "li" respectively (70.8 kg, 59 kg and 47.2 kg). These 'numbered bows' were never intended to shoot arrows. The
candidate stood before the Presiding Officer with a bow (usually the No.l at 70.8 kg) held at the centre in his left hand. He would extend his left arm, taking up the string in his right and bringing it full draw (grasping the string with his full fist, without an arrow). Then, he would let it down again immediately. He had to perform this action three times, and then announce his own name and go down on one knee before the Presiding Officer."------------Source: Le P. Etienne Zie (Siu) S.J. 'Pratique des Examens Militaires en Chine'. Shanghai: Varietes Smologiques No. 9. 1896.

This is a custom Imperial Strength Bow, the heaviest warbow you can buy from Alibow. I asked for extended siyahs so it looks more Manchu and a longer draw length. It was found that the bow is [email protected] ". What makes this traditional bow special is that the initial draw weight is very high, compared to my Pigskin Hungarian Alibow, which is of similar final draw weight. I believe the force draw curve is closer to a real horn sinew Manchu bow than most other designs, due to the immense siyahs.
These bows are based on strength bows of the imperial martial examination in the Qing dynasty of China. The participants of these examinations were required to draw these bows to a full draw as a part of proof of their strength and technique. (The other tested subjects were archery on foot, archery on horse, and weighting lifting).

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