PPC & Generative AI: How to Future Proof Your Campaign Strategies

Описание к видео PPC & Generative AI: How to Future Proof Your Campaign Strategies

View our webinar with Google Ads Experts Miles McNair and Bob Meijer about how AI is transforming PPC.

We spoke about:

💡 Insights on new AI tools announced during Google Marketing Live
🤖 Tips for more effective GenAI prompt writing
⛔ The potential risks of becoming overly-reliant on AI to run campaigns
💰 Strategies to minimize wasted ad spend via Performance Max campaigns
📈 How (and why) to become a “T-Shaped” Google Ads Specialist
🚀 Essential skills to develop to future-proof your career and PPC strategies

Plus, rewatch the live Q&A at the end where Bob & Miles answered our chat's PPC questions.


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