Egyptian Star Oracle Pitch Video

Описание к видео Egyptian Star Oracle Pitch Video

The Egyptian Star Oracle is not merely an “Egyptian themed” deck. It is an authentic Egyptian oracle utilizing astrology as it was originally practiced in 2400 BC with all Greek, Persian, and Hebrew influences stripped away.

The foundation of this deck is the astrology practiced by the ancient “star priests” of Asyut for divination and evocation of the 36 unwavering stars known as Decans (spsw.w in hieroglyphics).

To create this astonishing deck, author and occultist Travis McHenry explored the tombs and temples of Egypt, searching for the origin behind the decans of the Zodiac. He ended up uncovering the source of modern astrology, Hermetic magic, and the true meaning behind Crowley’s mysterious statement: “All men and women are stars.”

This deck launched on Kickstarter on 3 November 2021:


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