Hey Matt, How Can I Improve Workout Recovery As I Get Older?

Описание к видео Hey Matt, How Can I Improve Workout Recovery As I Get Older?

Recovering from a workout is a bit of a paradox. On one hand, there's a lot you can do, from massage and ice baths to stretching and mobility work.

But here's the thing: you don't need to do anything to recover, even as you get older! Recovery is an automatic part of the process of physical adaptation. You'll always recover just fine, even if you don't do anything at all.

That doesn't mean recovery methods aren't worthwhile, but they are not necessary. Plus, the most influential variable in recovery isn't something you buy or work on. It's simply sleep!

Yes, sleep is the most important influence on your recovery rate, followed by diet, and then all of the other stuff is the last little bit. You don't need the ice baths, foam rolling, or massage guns to recover. They are fine, and offer value if you enjoy using them, but you certainly don't need them.


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