NeurOptimal Review from a Parent – How Neurofeedback Training Helped My Son

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A mom and son discuss how neurofeedback helped his school performance. Luigi's grades improved significantly the year after neurofeedback training with the NeurOptimal system. This interview took place a year and a half after he completed 3 months of weekly neurofeedback sessions.

This non-invasive, FDA approved technology, called NeurOptimal neurofeedback is a safe brain training method for any age. Learn more about the benefits and it can do for you:

They are children, you know. They are still growing biologically, physically. They are still in the process of getting to where they need to be as an adult. But in the meantime, we are here to help them. So, why not to try the neurofeedback.
Well, I’m doing really great in school now, after the neurofeedback.
Kindergarten… because of his attention… they didn’t move him up to the first grade, because he was immature. 3rd grade – high honor roll student. 4th grade most achieving…yes. Most achieving awards for the 4th grade. Yes, that’s the second year in a row, so it’s very good. In the first and second grade, he was struggling. Um… but he is an honor roll student.
People who have ADHD, they can’t focus… they focus somewhere here versus here. So, now, if you have just this, kind of, retraining of the brain, I do think that neurofeedback is… is extremely helpful. And I wish I would’ve started it first.

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