Gran Turismo 2 (PAL) - All Licenses in Gold speedrun sample

Описание к видео Gran Turismo 2 (PAL) - All Licenses in Gold speedrun sample

stahp wasting ur time

EDIT 10.8.2016: Seems like I missed it, but the video reached 2K views a good while ago I guess. Thank you for the continuous views but I'm telling you, you're wasting your time... x)


EDIT 26.11.2015: Beat the new previous record as well, new one is 56:30. I didn't record this time either (even though I thought I did! D:) I swear I'll stop now, better take it easy on Christmas and then try again in the streams x3 but not without some practice beforehand.


EDIT 25.11.2015: Already beat this time as of today. I didn't record the run, but I was running LiveSplit.

Some notes on the run: I was following a simple rule in which you must complete the tests in the straight order (as GT2 allows you to complete them in any order you want). My TV also has a tendency of losing the signal to the capture card for a moment, as such, most of the menu navigating I do while in a license are done blind. I ended up derping a few times but there's nothing I can do about it (except maybe press the buttons with patience). I was also a second late for the split in the end so real-time wise it's 58:57.

These being said, the time is nowhere near accurate if the circumstances were ideal. But it is what it is, unfortunately.

Wondering why the past attempts' segments aren't shown? That's because all of my earlier attempts were done without LiveSplit. I just recently downloaded it and wanted to try it out to do the speedrun the professional way. My last personal best was around 1 hour.

Game captured with Roxio HD Pro, video recorded with OBS.


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