USC QB Jaxson Dart - Using Motion For Quicker Reads

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This Simple Read Is Graham Harrell's Solution For A Young USC Quarterback.
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Hey, everybody, welcome to Elite Athletes TV. I'm Mike Pawlawski, former 11 year pro quarterback and quarterbacks coach here at . I talk to coaches all the time about using motion to create different looks, and to get yourself into new leverage situations. To get eyeballs moving, to get defenses moving the way that you want them to. It's super simple. You can do this using old stretches, dependable stretches, and you're creating a different looks and different formations with different personnel sets, but getting the same stretch so your quarterback doesn't have to learn new concepts. But you need to create leverage for him to make reads quick and easy. Today we're gonna look at the Smash route. And it's USC vs Cal and how they use motion to create leverage and give a quarterback a quick read.
Let's take a look at the Smash route. The way USC runs it and the way that they use a short motion to create leverage for a young quarterback.
So make the game easy on your quarterback. Giving different looks to the defense makes it hard on defensive coordinators when you're sending different motions and you can get the different stretches or the same stretches from a bunch of different looks just by using motion and personnel groups and give a defensive coordinator fits. It's not that hard. You just have to be willing to put in that motion and even guys that are going tempo offense can use motion to create new looks. Chip Kelly calls it putting lipstick on a pig and that's exactly what it is, you get the same exact plays, but you're getting them from different looks through motion.
If you're a quarterback or a quarterback coach who wants to learn more about passing mechanics you can low learn how to throw with perfect quarterback mechanics, increased velocity, increased arm strength, increased accuracy, and throw tighter spirals throwing with great mechanics here . I appreciate you watching. Just want to help out your quarterbacks coaches. Learn how to create new stretches from different motion schemes.


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