Develop The Small Muscles For Big Gains In Sports Performance

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Today we're talking human performance, speed and agility and things that get you bigger, faster and stronger with stabilizing movements. We're gonna get into one of the things that I learned as a college athlete today that I didn't know as a high school athlete that I think will help a lot of young athletes about supporting musculature about helping strengthen the entire body. When I was young, it was all about the big Olympic moves, squat, clean dead lift, and bench press. And that's what we did. We talked about this a little bit with our human performance director Ethan banning Last time we talked but let's get more into it. today. We're gonna talk about a couple other topics we're going to touch on as well.Helping athletes get better. That's that's our whole mission here at elite athletes TV, we were young athletes one time, we were searching for ways to get better, and not always finding the proper ways to get better. There's a lot of information out there. Now we want to give you the correct information, not just a lot of information. I said we were gonna talk about getting better and what I learned as a college athlete. When I was young I was all about the bench press. I always wanted to hit the bench, squats, cleans the big Olympic lifts. That's what our coach was about too, because that was the theory back then. And my bench press hit this sticking point at 265 or 275. I couldn't get a lot stronger, until I got to college. They had me start doing rotator cuff exercises, strengthening my shoulder, so the capsule was stronger. And amazingly enough, my bench press got so much stronger. Why is that? And talk about how that pertains to what you do with your system.Not sure that I'm going to use the bench press as one of my markers. But we know in the sport of football, in most sports, we're going to have to do some bench pressing. It's a great overall upper body developer, but it's incomplete in nature. And I think it gets very, it's very common that people in football think there's a lot of pushing movements in football, so therefore I better get push better at pushing in the weight room. And it's sort of like driving a car with all gas and no brakes, right? We can only go as fast as we can slow it down. And what likely you experienced was a couple things. Number one, you got older, which is a benefit to getting stronger. But number two, you became a more well rounded or symmetrical athlete doing some of you cited some of your cuff exercises, I suspect probably did some more vertical pulling and more horizontal rowing like pull ups and DB rows, those sort of things to and got better with your back exercises. Because our lats are the biggest muscles in our upper body. And when the lats are developed, we will bench press better period. They're heavily involved and engaged in the bench press along with a number of other structures that you know, not to belabor the topic of anatomy today, but we've got to develop more than just anterior shoulder pack and tricep if we're going to bench press. Now, those are the major movers in the bench press but there are a lot of other factors and putting the head of the humerus into the proper position is a critical component of number one using the Pec correctly and number two shoulder function. So the way that that happens is by developing Those posters, shoulder, upper back muscles. And that happens through heavy training of both horizontal and vertical row along with your cuff movements.Talking about culture building:I think that our job as coaches is teaching our athletes, the skills necessary to be appropriate leaders is really critical. So demanding excellence, but ultimately guiding them so that it isn't entirely be coached led. I want it to be pure fit, right? So I want to give them guidance, so they can do it. And then they do the heavy lifting, if you will, because in my experience teams that were led by teammates, and the coaches were only giving guidance, were the best teams that I was ever involved with. And I think the same thing is true in the weight room. And so we give doses of responsibility and accountability so that ultimately, the team lifts each other up and they do it that way for themselves. I think it's a whole culture for sure.And I think that starts in your offseason program in the in the waiver room right and you're because it can be grinding too. But if there's an excitement about the culture, and I think that maybe the biggest piece of the secret sauce I don't know if we want to give entirely this away, but we're gonna right here right now, right? We'd love to hear from you. If you want your team to get better if you are looking for some sports performance advice if you're looking to improve as an athlete or a parent looking for an athlete to improve, we have it for you. But when it comes to sports performance training, speed, agility, strength and conditioning, and just getting more explosive EBS the guy I'll talk to you guys later


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