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Díaz-Morales J.F., Ferrari J.R., Cohen J.R., Indecision and Avoidant Procrastination: The Role of Morningness – Eveningness and Time Perspective in Chronic Delay Lifestyles, „The Journal of General Psychology” 2008, 135(3).
Huang R.-C., The discoveries of molecular mechanisms for the circadian rhythm: The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, „Biomedical Journal” 2018, 41.
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Kyle S.D., Sexton C.E., Feige B., Luik A.I., Lane J., Saxena R., Anderson S.G., Bechtold D.A., Dixon W., Little M.A., Ray D., Riemann D., Espie C.A., Rutter M.K., Spiegelhalder K., Sleep and cognitive performance: cross-sectional associations in the UK Biobank, „Sleep Medicine” 2017, 38.
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Duffy J.F., Rimmer D.W., Czeisler C.A., Association of intrinsic circadian period with morningness – eveningness, usual wake time, and circadian phase, „Behavioral Neuroscience” 2001, 115(4).
Escribano C., Díaz-Morales J.F., Delgado P., Collado M.J., Morningness – eveningness and school performance among Spanish adolescents: further evidence, „Learning and Individual Differences” 2012, 22(3).
Schantz M. von, Archer S.N., Clocks, genes and sleep, „Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine” 2003, 96(10).
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Ruggeri A., Why you shouldn’t try to be a morning person, https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/...
Correa A., Molina E., Sanabria D., Effects of Chronotype and Time of Day on the Vigilance Decrement During Simulated Driving, „Accident Analysis & Prevention” 2014, 67.
Lara T., Madrid J.A., Correa A., The Vigilance Decrement in Executive Function Is Attenuated When Individual Chronotypes Perform at Their Optimal Time of Day, „PloS One” 2014, February.
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