Overturned Bouquet, featuring the voice of Shorty the Cat, based on the painting by Abraham Mignon

Описание к видео Overturned Bouquet, featuring the voice of Shorty the Cat, based on the painting by Abraham Mignon

I've got a special treat for you today as I bring you the power of the internet. A while back, I got an email from Agata, a student in Poland who was completing her master's degree final animation and asked if she could sample Shorty's "voice" to voice the cat in her film. She explains:

"The animation is based on a real-life painting by Abraham Mignon. I'm sure he had a vendetta against a cat that destroyed his still-life setup, so I'm basically exploring the events that might have led up to the creation of the 'Overturned Bouquet.'" (Here's a link to the painting https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collect...)

So of course I said yes. After presenting her work and graduating, she sent me the video saying, "and here is my project, starring Shorty, who really elevated it with her beautiful voice. All my professors said so and agreed that she stole the show."

She gave me permission to upload the short film and here it is in its entirety. It's not the usual fare you've seen here on this channel, but the pacing and tonal changes are just so perfect and delightful, and hearing Shorty's little prrbbtts and loud snores and manic meows is super cute and funny. I also love Agata's idea, kind of like Sunday In the Park With George, exploring the story behind the creation of the painting. I'm not sure if it's of much interest to you, but my paid subscribers loved it, so I decided to release it publicly.

If anything, you'll probably relate to the theme of how innocently a cat can create havoc for us, and how timeless this has been.

You can see more of Agata's work at https://www.artstation.com/agata_s

Have a good one, everyone! Peace and purrs out,



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