HEROIC Twin Ogron (11-man) - Frost Mage PoV

Описание к видео HEROIC Twin Ogron (11-man) - Frost Mage PoV

This is our first kill of HEROIC Twin Ogron (11-man) as a guild.

The Machine of Magtheridon-EU (Alliance).

Guild website:

Kill date:
5th of December, 2014.

Zumzar - Frost Mage.
Armory at http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character...

Yes, for the entire fight.

WarcraftLog from the kill:

My UI:
Will be uploaded shortly.

Songs in order of appearance:
Interstellar OST - Cornfield Chase
Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness [Cedric Gervais Remix]
Rogerseventytwo - You Take Me Higher
The Machine - The Machine Song

Encounter information:
We used 2 tanks, 3 healers and 6 dps for this.

Since this is a Heroic encounter, I won't write any encounter specific tips as I normally do. Personally, I wasted a lot of GCDs running around trying to avoid fire, but the enrage timer is not an issue, so I just wanted to reduce the damage I took.

For some reason we had 11 people online on a Friday night, and decided to raid Highmaul Heroic, which resulted in first kill of Tectus and Twin Ogron.

I didn't intend to record or upload Heroic kill vids, but I decided to upload this anyway, since it's been so long since my last video. :)


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