The Cold War: Toughest: Soviets: Espionage Level 5) Guerilla Action

Описание к видео The Cold War: Toughest: Soviets: Espionage Level 5) Guerilla Action

This is a bit of a tricky challenge.

The aim is to destroy 25 military units that the Americans have floating around in the region. Doing so will cause them to be demoralized and withdraw.

You have a small pool of resources and a gather rate of +5 to +20, depending on the resource. This will grab you a few extra units but ultimately, I wouldn't rely on it.

You start with a handful of units, the best way to proceed is to build a few units you think will be use and hunt around for weak units.

The problem is there are 3 bases the American units patrol to and from on the map.

I think the best case then is to head west and try to pick off units. Back off immediately if there is a much bigger army, reinforce your group and then go again. The North had a lot of units patrolling so I wouldn't recommend it.

When engaging units, you need to be using the right units to counter them, tanks onto infantry, tanks onto machine guns, copters onto tanks, etc.

Focus on one unit at a time when a small, stray group of units approaches. Scouts can be used to see when units are approaching. In a battle, sabotage will get the focussed by tanks and sniper will help pick off 1/3 of an infantry unit. So, I think sniping infantry/bazookas are the way to go about it and have tanks finish them off to get the most of your scouts.

The copters you start with cannot be repaired and you have no airbases around. With enemy fighters, it's honestly best to just let them go crazy on tanks or armoured scout cars, getting those confirmed kills and making it easier for your other units to approach.

As for the enemy camps, it seems like a lot of effort and time for zero results, so I wouldn't bother. It doesn't seem like you'll get help from destroying the bases and there's no reason to approach them if units are patrolling outside.

Finally, without a general it makes things a bit more difficult but try using a scout to lure units across the rivers. Units crossing rivers will take additional damage.

I feel this scenario would be better if you had to go through 2-3 enemy camps and pick off units rather than sorta make a stand and try to destroy units before you get wiped out.

Focus down 25 enemy units to win the scenario.


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