Everything to Know about Vestibular Therapy

Описание к видео Everything to Know about Vestibular Therapy

It is easy to fall through the cracks in our health care system and be passed between specialists before you find a clinician who is truly a vestibular expert and is armed with the proper equipment to diagnose and treat you.

Too many people go to the ER, receive unnecessary imaging and are improperly diagnosed.

Make sure you find a provider who utilizes advanced technology including Infrared Video nystagmography to properly visualize ocular movements to evaluate and treat vestibular pathologies.

There is no need to suffer from bouts of dizziness, vertigo, motion sensitivity, or balance dysfunction.

Conditions Commonly Treated:
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (positional dizziness/vertigo)
Vestibular Neuritis
Vestibular Labyrinthitis
Acoustic Neuroma
Cerebellar Degeneration
Age Related Multisensory Deficits
Uncompensated Ménières Disease

Special thank you to Dr. Matthew Rome and Equilibrium Physical Therapy (www.equilibriumpt.com)


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