Underqualified and Undeserving with Becky Loyd

Описание к видео Underqualified and Undeserving with Becky Loyd

Have you ever felt like you're the wrong girl for the job? Like everyone else around the table deserves to be there except you? Like you are several years into this and still feel like you're making it up as you go?

Well, what if we told you that even a VP at Lifeway has felt the same way? Becky Loyd is the Vice President of Go-To-Market and Women Leadership Development at Lifeway. She has been a mentor of Amanda over the past few years, and there is no doubt she was the perfect person to have this conversation with. You're going to love her and this conversation is going to help fight off any imposter syndrome you might be feeling!

Make sure to follow us at @lifewaygirls. You can always email us at [email protected] with any questions or feedback.

Resource Highlight: Truthfilled (both for Women & Teen Girls)


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