How to Master the Cross Court Net Shot

Описание к видео How to Master the Cross Court Net Shot

The Cross Court Net shot can be one of the most powerful weapons in badminton when you play singles as you can score from an offensive position but also completly turn around the really when you are under pressure.

However only very few player practice and use that shot, so with this video I want to give you practical tips how to master that shot and encourage you to use it in your game!

-Additional Info-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Here you can find the videos, that i mentioned in the video:
Grip Tutorial:    • Badminton Grip Tutorial: 4 different ...  
Practicing technical Skills:    • 6 Steps to make your Badminton Racket...  

Especially from a low position, the cross court net shot needs a good touch and is not easy to master. I would recommend to start from a higher position and then work your way to situations, when you are under more pressure. Like I said in the video, from low positions you also have to use your wrist and turn the grip into direction of the panhandle grip. Otherwise it will be impossible to get behind the shuttle.

If you need some inspiration on top level I would recommend to check out some videos from Tai Tzu Ying and especially Ratchanok Intanon. Both of them can play the cross court net shot almost to perfection and also use it on a frequent basis in their game, even from almost impossible situations.

--Social Media-----------------------------------------------------------------------

For more Videos and content about my daily work as a player and coach follow me on social media:

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--Clips used and references-----------------------------------------------------------------------

CROSS NET SHOT | INCREDIBLE Skill of Lee Chong Wei by "This is Badminton":    • CROSS NET SHOT |  INCREDIBLE Skill of...  


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