The Stela of Abkau and the Osiris Festival -- Episode 8 -- Egyptian Object Stories

Описание к видео The Stela of Abkau and the Osiris Festival -- Episode 8 -- Egyptian Object Stories

(My cat Bagheera co-edited this video)
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-- Further reading --

📙 Adams, Matthew Douglas 2005. Community and society in Egypt in the First Intermediate Period: an archaeological investigation of the Abydos settlement site. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Services.
📗 Anthes, Rudolf 1974. Die Berichte des Neferhotep und des Ichernofret über das Osirisfest in Abydos. In Anonymous (ed.), Festschrift zum 150jährigen Bestehen des Berliner Ägyptischen Museums, 15-49. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
📙 Barbotin, Christophe 2005. La voix des hiéroglyphes: promenade au département des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre. Paris: Musée du Louvre; Institut Khéops.
📗 Calverley, Amice M. and Myrtle F. Broome 1933. The temple of king Sethos I at Abydos, volume I: the chapels of Osiris, Isis and Horus. Edited by Alan H. Gardiner. London; Chicago: Egypt Exploration Society; University of Chicago Press.
📙 ----- 1935. The temple of king Sethos I at Abydos, volume II: the chapels of Amen-Rē', Rē'-Ḥarakhti, Ptaḥ, and King Sethos. Edited by Alan H. Gardiner. London; Chicago: Egypt Exploration Society; University of Chicago Press.
📗 ----- 1938. The temple of king Sethos I at Abydos, volume III: the Osiris complex. Edited by Alan H. Gardiner. London; Chicago: Egypt Exploration Society; University of Chicago Press.
📙 ----- 1958. The temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, volume IV: the second hypostyle hall. Edited by Alan H. Gardiner. London; Chicago: Egypt Exploration Society; University of Chicago Press.
📗 Damarany, Ayman M., Yasser Abdel-Razik, and Ashraf Okasha 2019. The maHa.t-chapel of Nebhepetre at Abydos. In Regulski, Ilona (ed.), Abydos: the sacred land at the western horizon, 121-135. Leuven: Peeters.
📙 Damarany, Ayman, Yasser Abd el-Razik, Ashraf Okasha, Josef Wegner, Kevin Cahail, and Jennifer Wegner 2015. A new temple: the mahat of Nebhepetre at Abydos. Egyptian Archaeology 46, 3-7.
📗 Eaton, Katherine J. 2006. The festival of Osiris and Sokar in the month of Khoiak: the evidence from Nineteenth Dynasty royal monuments at Abydos. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 35, 75-101.
📙 Eissa, Ahmed 2002. Zur Bildreihe der Stele Louvre C15: Parallelen und Bedeutung. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 58, 227-246.
📗 Jay, Jacqueline, E. 2010. Naga-ed-Deir to Thebes to Abydos: the rise and spread of the "couple standing before offerings" pose on FIP and MK offering stelae. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 46, 63-80.
📙 Lavier, Marie-Christine 1989. Les mystères d'Osiris à Abydos d'après les stèles du Moyen Empire et du Nouvel Empire. In Schoske, Sylvia (ed.), Akten des vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses München 1985. Band 3: Linguistik, Philologie, Religion, 289-295. Hamburg: Buske.
📗 Lavier, Marie-Christine 1998. Les fêtes d'Osiris à Abydos au Moyen Empire et au Nouvel Empire. Égypte, Afrique & Orient 10, 27-33.
📙 Lichtheim, Miriam 2006. Ancient Egyptian literature. A book of readings, volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms. Berkeley, CA; London: University of California Press.
📗 Marochetti, E. F. 2010. The reliefs of the chapel of Nebhepetra Mentuhotep at Gebelein. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 39. Leiden: Brill.
📙 Morenz, Ludwig D. 1997. Ein hathorisches Kultlied und ein königlicher Archetyp des Alten Reiches - Sinuhe B 270 f. und eine Stele der späten XI. Dynastie (Louvre C 15). Die Welt des Orients 28, 7-17.
📗 O'Connor, David 2009. Abydos: Egypt's first pharaohs and the cult of Osiris. New aspects of antiquity. London: Thames & Hudson.
📙 Pouls Wegner, Mary-Ann 2002. The cult of Osiris at Abydos: an archaeological investigation of the development of an ancient Egyptian sacred center during the Eighteenth Dynasty. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.
📗 Robins, Gay 2000. The art of ancient Egypt. London: The British Museum Press.
📙 Seidlmayer, Stephan 2000. The First Intermediate Period (c. 2160-2055 BC). In Shaw, Ian (ed.), The Oxford history of ancient Egypt, 118-147. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
📗 Strudwick, Nigel 2020. The Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period. In Shaw, Ian and Elizabeth Bloxam (eds), The Oxford handbook of Egyptology, 619-637. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
📙 Woods, Alexandra 2015. Relief. In Hartwig, Melinda K. (ed.), A companion to ancient Egyptian art, 217-248. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
📗 Yamamoto, Kei 2015a. Abydos and Osiris: the terrace of the great god. In Oppenheim, Adela, Dorothea Arnold, Dieter Arnold, and Kei Yamamoto (eds), Ancient Egypt transformed: the Middle Kingdom, 250-253. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.
📙 ----- 2015b. The art of the stela: an appeal to the living. In Oppenheim, Adela, Dorothea Arnold, Dieter Arnold, and Kei Yamamoto (eds), Ancient Egypt transformed: the Middle Kingdom, 33-36. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.


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