襟裳岬(森進一の曲) - テレサ・テン(鄧麗君 Teresa Teng) - Ava's stripped-down version

Описание к видео 襟裳岬(森進一の曲) - テレサ・テン(鄧麗君 Teresa Teng) - Ava's stripped-down version

襟裳岬(森進一の曲) - テレサ・テン(鄧麗君 Teresa Teng) - Ava's stripped-down version
I've placed some images related to the music video here:
Here are the lyrics to the song, along with the English translation:
北の街ではもう 悲しみを暖炉で
In the northern town, they've already started burning sorrows in the fireplace.
It seems they're beginning to ignite them.
わけのわからないことで 悩んでいるうち
While we're troubled over things we don't understand,
We'll grow old.
黙りとおした 歳月を
The years we've silently let pass,
拾い集めて 暖めあおう
Let's gather them up and warm each other.
襟裳の春は 何もない春です
Spring in Erimo is a spring with nothing.

君は二杯めだよね コーヒーカップに
It's your second cup, isn't it? Into the coffee cup,
You put just one cube of sugar.
捨てて来てしまった わずらわしさだけを
Only the troubles you've thrown away,
You stir them round and round.
通りすぎた 夏の匂い
The scent of the summer that passed by,
想い出して 懐かしいね
Recalling it feels nostalgic.
襟裳の春は 何もない春です
Spring in Erimo is a spring with nothing.

日々の暮らしはいやでも やってくるけど
Day-to-day life comes whether we like it or not,
But let's quietly laugh it off.
いじけることだけが 生きることだと
If moping around is the only way to live,
It's because we've grown too accustomed to it.
身構えながら 話すなんて
Speaking while on guard,
ああ おくびょう なんだよね
Oh, that's just being cowardly.
襟裳の春は 何もない春です
Spring in Erimo is a spring with nothing.
寒い友だちが 訪ねてきたよ
A cold friend has come to visit.
遠慮はいらないから 暖まってゆきなよ
Don't hesitate, just warm up and go.
Audio Produced by WARM AVA
Arrangement by WARM AVA
Engineered, Mixed & Mastered by WARM AVA
Video by WARM AVA


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