24년07월17일 ❤️5 Interesting Facts about Summer❤️

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5 Interesting Facts about Summer

♡ 핵심 표현
* more likely to 동사원형 : ~할 가능성이 더 큰
》more 를 빼더라도, 이미 가능성이 꽤 크다는 의미가 됨
예) It's likely to happen.
가능성이 더 적다고 하려면 less likely to 를 사용
※ be more likely + to 동사원형 - 21.10.27 주요표현
※ be likely + to 동사원형 - 23.02.22 핵심표현
※ be less likely + to 동사원형 - 21.10.14 주요표현
- The experiment is more likely to succeed.
- They are more likely to fail if they don't work hard.
- You are more likely to get an A in English.

♡ 핵심 단어
Old English 고대 영어
grow 자라다, 길어지다
ironic 아이러니한, 모순적인
brain 뇌
prodúce 생산하다, 생성하다 ( n. próduce )
ray 광선, 선, 빛살
exposure 노출
production 생산, 생성

♡ 주요 표현
1. originate + from 명사 : ~에서 기원하다 ※ 22.04.01 주요표현
》originate 대신 come 을 쓰면 더욱 캐주얼함
- It originates from an Old English word.
- The word 'Mayu' originates from the English word 'my youth'.

2. by 수치 : ~만큼 ※23.04.12 핵심표현
》양의 차이를 나타낼 때 유용함
- The price went up by 10,000%.
- The price dropped by 50%.

3. As 형용사 as it may sound, : ~하게 들릴 수는 있지만, ※22.12.02 주요표현
》'sound(들리다)' 대신 'look(보이다)' 사용 가능
- As weird as it may sound, everybody does it.
- As ironic as it may sound, the environmentalist uses plastic every day.

♡ 어순 영작
The word 'summer' originates from the Old English word 'sumor', which means 'togehter'.

The Eiffel Tower grows by up to 17cm on hot summer days.
( grow 자라다 )
※ up to 수치 : 최대 ~까지 - 24.02.19 주요표현

As ironic as it may sound, summer is the #1 season when couples get married.

Human brains work better in summer because we are more likely to produce vitamin D in response to the sun's rays.
( in summer 여름에 )
※ in response + to 명사 : ~에 응하는, 응하여 ※22.01.04 주요표현

Human beings are happier in summer because more sun exposure means more production of serotonin.
( human being 인간 )

☆ 이런! 느낌
The price on the shirt dropped by 90% as soon as I bought it.


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