建立大马 Tree to Bar 可可品牌 Malaysia Cocoa From Tree to Bar | 王宁耿 Ong Ning Geng | TEDxPetalingStreet

Описание к видео 建立大马 Tree to Bar 可可品牌 Malaysia Cocoa From Tree to Bar | 王宁耿 Ong Ning Geng | TEDxPetalingStreet

本着对本土风味的热爱与执着,Chocolate Concierge 创办人王宁耿一路探索,不停寻找能代表马来西亚的世界级风味。他想起小时候在油棕园初尝的可可果,丰富的口感使他至今仍难以忘怀。然而,为何如今马来西亚人对可可果如此陌生?



Chocolate Concierge founder Ong Ning Geng is embarking on a lifelong journey to search for a local flavour that can represent Malaysia globally. He recalled tasting a cocoa fruit at an oil palm plantation when he was a child - its richness still lingered in his memory until today. However, why are most Malaysians so unfamiliar with cocoa fruits these days?

To search for the taste in his memory, Ong signed up for a cocoa planting course organized by the Malaysian Cocoa Board. He also got to know the local aboriginal villagers where cocoa is grown and sought to learn about natural cocoa farming methods from them.

The fertile soil in Malaysia is very suited for growing cocoa trees, and the original taste of the cocoa berries can be preserved using natural farming. Applying the knowledge he learnt, Ong started to dry cocoa beans at home, fermented them, and managed to recreate the flavour he had in his memory. He later purchased an orchard to produce pure, single-origin chocolate that is proudly Malaysian.

#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #TEDx茨厂街 #Reset2022 #啟2022 #启2022 #王宁耿 #王寧耿 #OngNingGeng #Speakers2022 王宁耿,本地巧克力生产公司 Chocolate Concierge 创始人,也是“tree-to-bar” (从可可树到巧克力) 概念的倡导者与先行者。长期在美国生活的他在 2009 年毅然放下从事多年的应用程序开发工作,回到故乡吉隆坡甲洞开启新的事业。回马后,他开始报读并从事与食品相关的各种行业。他发现巧克力具有普遍的吸引力,而且在马来西亚种植的成功率相当高。从走入偏远地区挖掘可可树种植地、培育不同产地的可可树,再将可可豆发酵并加工成巧克力,他不辞劳苦默默耕耘,推动并实践马来西亚单一原产地巧克力。

Ong Ning Geng, the founder of Chocolate Concierge, the advocate and pioneer of the “tree-to-bar” chocolate. In 2009, Ong gave up his career as an app developer in the US and moved back to hometown Kepong in order to take care of his grandmother. Driven by an innate curiosity for flavours and origins, he eventually chose to focus on chocolate for its universal appeal, as well as the fact that it can be grown successfully in Malaysia. Committed to elevating and advancing Malaysian single-origin chocolate, Ong established himself as a high-quality chocolate-bar maker by venture into remote areas in cultivating cacao plants of various origins, before fermenting and processing the beans into chocolate. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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