Introduction to Napoleonics Pt. 6: British line infantry flank companies + sculpting lace wings

Описание к видео Introduction to Napoleonics Pt. 6: British line infantry flank companies + sculpting lace wings

This video is a guide to modelling and painting grenadiers and light company for your Napoleonic British line infantry regiments. Perry plastic 28mm miniatures are used. The video also includes a guide to sculpting flank company lace wings to the shoulders of centre company arms. This was requested on a Facebook post earlier in the year - I've forgotten from whom but thanks for the suggestion!

Also, I'd like to take an opportunity to thank all my viewers and subscribers for taking this channel from xero to almost nine hundred viewers since March 2020. Knowing people are watching is a source of inspiration for me and I hope to keep producing videos in 2021. Cheers!


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