Dissidia 012: Duodecim - Sephiroth vs. 000 Feral Chaos (Perfect Run)

Описание к видео Dissidia 012: Duodecim - Sephiroth vs. 000 Feral Chaos (Perfect Run)


One Winged Angel
Grand Helm
Auto Crossbow

Hyper Ring
Muscle Belt
Sniper Eye
Battle Hammer
HP = 100%
Large Gap in HP
No Damage
Pre-EX Mode
Level Gap 30

A very basic equipment setup here. Sephiroth's EX mode isn't that interesting to me, so I might as well just go for raw damage with EXP to Assist for easy combos.

"Dodge This"...well, it seems AI Feral Chaos has no clue how to dodge it. Fervent Blow is so laughably easy to land in this fight, it's almost embarassing. Octaslash is also pretty nice here. Yeah, it's boring to use it so many times for my assist combo, but it does more damage than any of Sephiroth's other HP attacks and it wall rushes as well, so it's too effective not to use. As much as I like Scintilla, blocking is sort of tricky to do against Feral Chaos, since he's only got one blockable melee attack in this fight. I kept Heaven's Light equipped, though, since it's decent for countering Lux Magnus.

Not much else to say, besides the fact that Feral Chaos more or less handed me half of his HP on a silver platter courtesy of that Shinryu summon in the middle there. Sometimes that dragon just really, really hates Feral Chaos.


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