Action Comics

Описание к видео Action Comics

Anyone who says “bow-chicka-wow-wow” to what’s happening in this garbage will be punched in the face.

Originally uploaded August 30th, 2010.

RUMINATIONS: The Tom Servo puppet that premiered during the “Previously On” segment was a birthday present from my brother and holy crap it’s awesome. The puppet would eventually play a much larger role in the show, but for the moment, it had a humble premiere as part of a gag referencing an old feminine hygiene commercial.

As stated before, my Dad is always fond of appearing on the show as future Linkara, so when I mentioned I’d be doing another of these segments, he asked if he could participate. I figured it’d be a good way to foreshadow the stuff that would happen in Silent Hill: Dead/Alive. The thing that people forget about the continuity of future Linkara is that I very much ascribe to the “the future is always changing” aspect of time travel. That’s why sometimes future Linkara is wearing slightly different outfits, is in different locations, or his hat changes. The only constant is that future Linkara is rather bitter and broken after 30-some years of comic reviewing.

Sorry to say that “That Jewish Guy” no longer seems to make videos and sadly is no longer part of Channel Awesome. He had some great energy and comedic timing, as evidenced by his bit in the “Previously On” segment. I just thought it’d be hilarious if he was just eating something calmly while dramatic music played and it worked out perfectly. And of course Bennett and Sad Panda’s dual-bits were great, even if they don’t really make any sense. But then again, NONE of the “Previously On” segment stuff is supposed to make sense. It’s even more insane than the actual show.

Sadly, Brad’s bit is the only one that doesn’t actually work, IMHO. I think it’s because there was a miscommunication on what I wanted him to do for it, so him opening with “Previously on Manimal” is just head-scratching because we already had “Previously on Atop the Fourth Wall.” Fortunately, though, he more than makes up for it in the actual cameo in the video.

And of course there’s me quoting from Star Trek again. I like to include at least one actual serious line in the “Previously On” segments when I can, if only because outside of context, the lines come across as kind of silly.


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