Eversharp Skyline - "How To" Restoration/repair. It all gets taken apart!

Описание к видео Eversharp Skyline - "How To" Restoration/repair. It all gets taken apart!

In this episode I completely break down an Eversharp Skyline, one of the iconic vintage fountain pens. The pitfalls of this pen tend to be the brittleness of the plastic with age - so it's recommended to use heat when removing the section. In this pen, and actually in a donor pen as well, we find the filling mechanism rusted and needing cleaning, so, it's advisable to either remove the filling mechanism or be sure that you can really inspect inside the barrel. The cap is always a test in patience. There are some small tabs that are essential for holding the clip and securely to the rest of the cap's top trim, so be slow and steady when you decide to take all the trim apart.
Overall, this pen cleaned up - and straighten up (you'll see), well.
These are wonderful pens and easily obtainable for any collector.

Some resources:


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